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As the the new moon is coming upon us, so is a new choreography to challenge our minds and get our bodies moving.  For this cycle, we’ll be slowing it down with the luscious sounds of Pentaphobe

So Do Cerebral by Pentaphobe


mya/reverse mya then hip drop

drop the left arm/drop the right arm

1/2 spin to the back with slightly wavy arms up

3 hip hits omi

Turn to the front and reverse  bringing arms down

chest pump 2x/chest circle

Cross step 2X Piston hips 4X

roll up to snake arms 8 counts


snake arms rotating to the right 8 counts

reverse the snake arms 8 counts

go down with snake arms 8 counts


L/R shoulder roll back

R shoulder roll front 2X

head slide


chest drop the 4X chest pump getting up

on 4th, roll down to shimmy R to L 8 counts

keep shimmy for 5 counts then roll up


with shimmy, shoulder roll back R/L

shoulder roll front L2X then back


shimmy with chest circle 8+5 counts

on 6 kick wave up into L arms

bike wheel 2X

piston hips foreward, back

bike wheel 2X

wave down
